DIY Lavender, Honey, Lemon and Goat Milk Soap… The easy way!

Hey family! Long time, I know. How are you?! HA! I have been busy making things… I promise. I have always had a sort of “admiration” for homemade soaps; the essential oil combinations, textures, natural colour and history. Well… Why not check it out and try for myself? I absolutely love lavender, honey and lemon and…

DIY Magazine Holder

This was originially a junky old wooden magazine rack I found while rummaging through a garage sale. I wasn’t sure what I had in mind but I was definitely collecting a lot of Home and Garden magazines that needed a space, but the holder was just too ugly. So… I spraypainted it grey, roughed up…

DIY Flower Crowns

Music festivals or little princesses…There are many reasons why we could wear flower crowns! These are super easy to make and you can use synthetic flowers from the dollar store or real ones. Materials: Garden wire or pipe cleaner Flowers Take the wire and measure your head. Make it a circle obviously 🙂 Wrap or…

DIY Framed Art

This is a great and budget friendly option for artwork. This framed art piece is literally a scrap piece of wallpaper I loved and a dollar store frame. I used a box cutter to cut out the desired size with the glass insert as a guide and voila! Art in 2 minutes! I had this…

Pumpkin Carving without Carving?

Everyone has seen the famous jack-o-lantern. I have created a different approach to the traditional carving method for decorative seasonal display– no carving. Perfect. Everyone who knows me knows how much I just love the dollar store… Guess where I got my supplies? Materials: Pumpkin– I used miniature for convenience and small space. Double sided…

DIY Scented Dried Roses

I loved this crystal bowl, I knew that for sure. I wasn’t very sure what to put in it though….I also had these flowers that someone special gave to me…Hmm time to get creative? I had hung dried these roses as they were beautiful!  I also had a bunch of essential oils hanging around. IDEA! I…

DIY Garage Sale Makeover!

Ever gone antiquing? Or to a garage sale and vision that something old could be modern and cool? I LOVE GARAGE SALES! …Did you hear me? I love garage sales! I Picked this chair up down the street for $5. I know a little girl who recently started doing homework in her room and needed a…

DIY T-Shirt Rug

Have a bunch of t shirts hanging around? Trips, gifts, sports, team moments…? I do? I decided to make a rug out of them as then “technically” I am not throwing them out… This post is inspired by Pinterest posts but 100% made by me. MATERIALS: Old T shirts. Anti Slip Rug or another grid type…