DIY Lavender, Honey, Lemon and Goat Milk Soap… The easy way!

Hey family! Long time, I know. How are you?! HA! I have been busy making things… I promise. I have always had a sort of “admiration” for homemade soaps; the essential oil combinations, textures, natural colour and history. Well… Why not check it out and try for myself? I absolutely love lavender, honey and lemon and…

Homemade Facial Serum

Want to make your own facial serum that is 100% natural? I studied esthetics and became quite interested in homemade products… I actually understand what is in the bottle this way. To do: Pour half of carrier oil( olive, coconut, apricot kernel, grapeseed)  into dark bottle of choice I used a dropper, add 30-40 of…

DIY Coffee Scrub

Want amazingly smooth and moisturized skin?… and also a pick me up in the morning? And maybe a little tint of colour? I do! **I figured this recipe out through trial and error, if you feel like it can be improved or modified for your skin type please feel free to comment! Needed: 1 part ground…